A downloadable Graphic Recording


The purpose of this itch project is to showcase the illustration toolbox and give an overview on the required itch.io page elements, such as an About section, a Key Feature list,  correct and complete (!) Credits, (optional) Release Notes,(optional) Link to your Repository.

Game Description

Credits - This Graphic Recording is about the Youtube-Video "Wahn oder Wahrheit: Was verbirgt sich hinter Verschwörungstheorien? Quarks"

Repository Link

Wahn oder Wahrheit: Das verbirgt sich hinter Verschwörungstheorien | Quarks (youtube.com)


Adriana Savic, student at Kreativ. Innovativ. Kompetent. | Hochschule Ansbach (hs-ansbach.de)

HS Ansbach - VIS

This game was created at the Visualistaion and Interaction in Digital Media (VIS) program of HS Ansbach

Supervised by:  Prof. Sebastian Stamm (Graphic Recording  WS 2024)


Verschwörungstheorien_Graphic_Recording.png 7.3 MB
V.T.G.R.pdf 39 MB

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